Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Personal Update

Jim's job. I forgot to tell you.....after he gave notice, they came back a week later and offered him the position there that he really was more suited for. He's running IT Operations! Wahoo! He's so good at it. He was frustrated at this place because there was just no room for growth. It wasn't just about money. Turns out, the guy he works for wants to move elsewhere within the company and they were looking for someone to replace him come April so Jim will be the replacement. The transition has already begun. Obviously the money is much better, but I'm just thrilled that he is back to managing people and running the IT Operations large-scale. I think it's beneficial that he stayed at this company for another reason.... they run the IT for a huge network of hospitals. For those of you unfamiliar with the Michigan economy, autos are out and healthcare seems to be the future of business here. This kind of healthcare experience will be great for him in the future as well. After being the IT Director for an advertising business, he's glad to be doing something that can really help someone, not just the company. He loved what HE did at the last place but doesn't exactly love the ad business because he doesn't particularly like the whole concept of convincing people to buy, buy, buy things they don't particularly need and can't afford! Running IT for hospitals is something that matters to the people in the hospital in a real tangible way, not just lining advertisers' pockets.

I guess this is just big news for us because 2007 was a long, somewhat discouraging year with the work stuff going on. It would be nice to say it doesn't matter, it's just work. Family is more important. While this is true, it is also true that the sole bread-winner will be spending most of his waking hours at work from Monday through Friday. When things are screwy there, it affects a whole lot of other things. I think being out of work is one of the most emotionally devastating things a man can face in his life. It's important for the rest of the family to recognize that.

We are so thankful that he's been offered this opportunity. He's almost a month into it now and it's crazy and busy and non-stop.......just how he likes it! It should calm down a little bit after he's been in there a while and has implemented some of his 'stuff'.

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