Monday, June 4, 2007

The Reason for My Absence

It has been more than a month since my last post. Alas, things have been a little unsettled around here. As of May 3rd, my DH lost his job. This was more of a blessing than a curse in the long run, but in the short term, I'm sure it felt like a punch in the stomach to him. You would think there would be more time on our hands because of this mandatory "time off" but, in fact, it seems like we're busier than ever. Finding a job in Michigan is akin to seeing the Cubs win the world series....yeah, it can happen, but it's not particularly probable. Dh's days, evenings, and nights have been consumed with studying for certifications, searching job posts, tweaking & updating the resume, calling headhunters, interviewing with said headhunters, taking care of our benefits, etc. Each of these things are quite a chore in and of themselves and when they're all together, on top of the whole emotional thing of a job loss, things can be pretty exhausting.

In the midst of all this I can say that God has been faithful to meet and exceed our needs and wants. If this had happened even five years ago we would have been scrambling like crazy.

DH has a few irons in the fire right now, a couple that look extremely interesting. We are asking God to intervene in this process and grant him interviews in some of these places that probably get thousands of resumes every day. Without the Lord, I truly believe it's the luck of the draw whether a resume is seen or not. My DH is doing everything he believes that he's supposed to do but we're both realizing that while we should most definitely prepare and do what is in our power to do, that is not where our hope lies. (Proverbs 21:31, Psalm 33:16-18)

These verses in Proverbs have been jumping out at me for about the last 9 months or so every time I turned around. I do believe that God was preparing me for this chapter of our lives. Before it even happened we both knew, we both were ready in a weird sort of way and now we will have the opportunity for God to work His miracles.

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