Thursday, January 10, 2008

Pusillanimous Political Pontifications

I think this is the first election in my adult life in which I have been thoroughly uninformed. I just started researching the candidates recently and I've got to say I tend to like Huckabee. Now, that is really not based on much at all, other than that he seems to have a somewhat conservative leaning. I did read a comment the other day by Ralph Ovadal (a pastor I had never heard of before) that slams him and says he promotes the antichrist. Whatever you think of Mr. Huckabee, I think articles like Ovadal's only play well for mindless people who want someone to tell them what to think. It didn't give any specifics, made plenty of generalizations, and serious blanket accusations. Nothing concrete. Nothing even spelled out specifically at all. I just wanted some real information to evaluate. I thought this article was the coward's way out----throw a few poison arrows and hope some of them hit their mark. Here it is....

"Beware of Mike Huckabee. He is basely using our Lord Jesus Christ for political gain even as he promotes Antichrist and his church. Mike Huckabee is a wolfish product of the neo-evangelical movement which, quite frankly, is the major problem in this nation, not the solution. Beyond that, Huckabee's political philosophy is grossly at odds with the principles upon which our Republican form of government rests. Politically speaking, Mr. Huckabee has far more in common with Bill Clinton than with America's founding fathers. We would be far, far better off with a simple "God and country" constitutionalist for president who doesn't claim to be a born-again believer. After carefully watching and listening to Mike Huckabee with an open mind, about the only good thing I can say concerning his candidacy for president is at least it keeps him too busy to pastor a church."
Pastor Ralph Ovadal Pilgrims Covenant Church

I did find out about the released convicted rapist story from a different website. It was a horrific story and one that Mr. Huckabee, I would imagine, still loses sleep over. But.....does it disqualify him from the presidency MORE than any of the other candidates' 'junk'? Maybe, maybe not Call me a cynic, but I'm sure there are some pretty awful decisions in each of the candidates' closets. Unfortunately, nobody has a candidate that lines up with how we feel about everything 100%. If we wait for that, none of us will be voting come November.

So, folks, why should or shouldn't I vote for Mike Huckabee? Some REAL reasons, not things like , "he's a wolf in sheep's clothing". Instead tell me WHY you think what you do. Give me examples. I really want to know! You are all entitled to your opinions, and I would love to hear them no matter where you fall politically. All opinions on all candidates welcome. So that we can have fun, keep it clean & nice. I do love satire so by all means, let loose! Let's make this the first annual political "Say What's on Your Mind" blog week! We've got to start having some fun with this election because I lost interest before this one even began. Too many years of caring about it WAY too much.

Waiting to hear from you,



Anonymous said...

Hello Karen,

Did you read the article which followed Pastor Ovadal's comments? If not, I would encourage you and your blog readers to do so at

Also, another article regarding Huckabee may be found at

What makes you say that Pastor Ovadal's articles are for mindless people? Why not share the links to his articles so that your readers may do a little thinking for themselves?

Sis. Julie said...

I too am researching the candidates and praying to determine who the Lord would have me to vote for. I'm not saying anything yet. It would do each person who will be voting to research the candidates and make a prayerful choice.

Karen said...

Hi Kay, thanks for stopping by. I will check out those links.

The sole reason I made that comment, is because he made tremendous accusations without backing it up with specifics. I guess I just worry that people read stuff like that and accept it as fact without seeing or asking for the justification behind it. Maybe I was a little harsh. And you are absolutely right, I should have posted the links as well and I thank you for doing so.

I did go and read the follow-up to his comments and quite frankly, the man is not running for Theologian of the year, he's running for president. If we're going to rule a potential president out because he's catholic-friendly, we can forget about voting, IMHO.

Again, just my opinion. Thanks so much for coming over and sharing yours!

Karen said...

Sis. Julie, thanks for coming over and leaving a comment. I'm so late in researching this election. I am anxious to hear what other's opinions are but that's okay if you want to keep it to yourself. Have a great day!

Susan said...

I like Huckabee.

The reason I like him is he does not hedge on anything and everything he is asked like most politicians. His answer on evolution, that he made in the debate, and his answer to Wolff Blitzer is just one example of this. He is REAL!!! and a lot of people don't know how to take real IMHO.

Karen said...

Hi Susan,
Thanks for coming over. I've been slowly getting back to blogging after the busy season but I have been lurking over at your site and a few others but haven't been commenting anywhere much lately. Thanks for your opinion. I like him, too, and so does my husband.

Richard J said...

Karen--Glad to see you around again! I'm having real trouble with this election. I can come up with good reasons NOT to vote for a couple of the candidates. But I can't find many good reasons to vote FOR anybody. Is this the best we have as a country?

BTW, over at my blog you asked if you could link up to a post I did about Huckabee. Go ahead--link away!!!

Cindy said...

As a Christian I have struggled over this very topic, but I cannot get a good feeling about Huckabee and I do not simply want to jump on the "but he used to be a pastor" bandwagon.

I feel that the whole thing with supporting the parole of the rapist shows a lack of discernment on his part, a lack of judgement. I think that there is room for second chances, but not without rehabilitation and disciplehip- ongoing guidance especially when you are dealing with someone who is in prison for sexual crimes. I really feel that it just said a lot about Huckabee's views on humanity, and his lack of understanding when it comes to human nature.

That's why that situation definitely made me wary.