Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Primary

The Michigan Primaries were last night, although on the democrat's side it was hardly authentic. Hillary was the only major candidate on the ticket so it was pretty much an exercise in futility for any democrat who had a different choice. It seems all the major republican players were on the slate. I ended up voting for Huckabee, knowing he had no chance of winning in this state. I still need to educate myself further. Sometimes I don't even think there's much of a difference between them all, cynic that I am.

The other day I read a good post on Mike that did exactly what I asked for in my post of January 10th. It gave substantiated reasons why I shouldn't vote for him. It had links to voting records and articles, etc. Unfortunately, I had to leave the computer in a hurry for some reason and forgot to bookmark it. In my ditziness, I drew a blank on where I had read it. So, thank you Richard for commenting on last week's post so I can link to yours. Go read it here. I will now go back and follow the links out of the post since I didn't get a chance to last time.

I'm freezing so I'm going to go turn up the heat and get some shoes on! More tomorrow.....


TO BECOME said...

Thanks for the link. I will read it. I watched your primaries last night. I am still not sure. Have a good day. connie from Texas

Praise and Coffee said...

I'm so frestrated with all this aren't you?!


Susan said...

We are still in that undecided mode. We don't have to vote until February 5th. We are really pressing into prayer and asking God to make it very clear to us who HIS man is. We are learning toward Huckabee.