Friday, January 25, 2008

I Know I've Forgotten a Few Favorites but Here Goes....

I've never done a meme before but since I love books, I wanted to participate in this one...

1. One book that changed your life: The Bible
The Bible stands alone there, but there is another book I need to mention....The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey (If you're in debt or living from paycheck to paycheck, READ IT!! I did change my life in many ways.
2. One book that you have read more than once: (You get to hear about a few of them)
Frank Peretti's books, This Present Darkness, and Piercing the Darkness. Fantastic!!! I read them every few years or so. So You Don't Want to Go to Church Anymore, by Jake Colsen. All the Little House books, All the Narnia books.
3. One book you would want on a desert island: The Bible
4. Two books that made you laugh: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, and Dave Barry stuff. I haven't purchased any of his books but I usually browse them in the bookstore. There's a lot in there I have to skip over.....but the other stuff makes me laugh so hard that I cry. He's got the same warped sense of humor that I do.
5. One book that made you cry: You mean there are some that don't?
6. One book you wish you'd written: The Naked Church, by Wayne Jacobsen
8. Two books you're reading: The Non-Runners' Marathon Trainer,
9. One book you're going to read: Chemistry for Dummies (don't ask)
10. How about a few books that have had an influence on you other than the ones listed in #1?
Joy Unspeakable by Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim well as others in that series; Fresh Faith, and Fresh Power. They were amazing!
11. Is there a book you wish hadn't been written? Yes, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne---I've seen a lot of wonderful people read this looking for some truth and it's complete wishful-thinking garbage. People have bought into this nonsense wholesale.
12. Favorite cookbooks? More with Less by Doris Longacre, and Extending the Table. I liked these both because they had stories about different cultures all mixed through the recipes. It was written by mennonite women, and many of the recipes were submitted by missionaries and are authentic recipes from all over the world.

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