Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Starting All Over Again 17 Years Later

Well, if you had told me even 10 years ago that right now I'd be heading up to another A Beka book display meeting to start homeschooling again, I wouldn't have believed you. It was around this time 17 years ago that I was going to all sorts of homeschool conferences to get started with my four boys who are all men now. God, in the mean time, has blessed us with Carrie, who is to turn 6 next month. I will be teaching her and her friend in our home this year. I taught them to read last year using Sing, Spell, Read, and Write...........which I think is the BEST reading program on the planet.

This year we start first grade and I'm excited. Homeschooling is such fun in the primary years! I like to use a little bit of everything....KONOS, A beka, the internet, whatever. There are so many good options. Since I haven't been in the elementary age homeschooling world for a while, please inform me if there's something you've used that I 'just can't do without'. I like knowing what worked really well for others and what was a waste of money.

Son#3 registered for his second year at the community college and starts a new job today. It's close enough that he can walk...which is a good thing considering that at any given time one of our vehicles is on the brink of auto death.

Son#4 registers for school today. He's already got a great job in a golf and banquet center that provides him with free golf....which is worth a lot. He golfs competitively so it gets a little expensive to keep his game up without the freebie.

Well, I need to get ready to go. The book display is about an hour away ----just a few miles away from the outlets. It would be shame to go all the way up there and not get a new skirt or two at the Coldwater Creek outlet, wouldn't it? :-) Come on, work with me here.

I'm off! Have a great day!

Psalm 103:1Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits,3who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases,4who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,5who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.


Pen of Jen said...

I have used a variety of sources, due to cost. I have somewhat created my own curriculum that truly has done wonders.

Home schooling has become just like anything else, a cash cow. So trust the experience that you have and look on line.

Oh this is a link to a free curriculum on line and is totally broke down for each year... I found it a few weeks ago


Karen said...

Jen, thanks for the link. Looks really interesting. I remember back when I first started...someone said, "remember a SCHOOL and her money are soon parted" and I have tried to be careful so it doesn't become a reality.