Thursday, August 16, 2007

One of Those Mornings

Ugh. My five-year-old woke up last night at 1:30 because of a nightmare. I went into her room and snuggled with her for a few minutes but then a nasty mosquito started buzzing! Aaaahhhhhh! The torture! I ended up having to stand up on her bed and kill it up on the ceiling, but by that time we were both wide awake. By the time she fell back to sleep it was 3:00 ....then I went back to bed. Of course my mind was going by this time. I tried to use the time to pray but at that time of the night it's tough to stay focused. Although I'm sure my dieting buddies will have a great day today because I did manage to pray for each of them while I was awake.

Busy day today. I need to shop for a wedding shower for my 1st cousin. I am also supposed to prepare a devotional per my aunt's request. I love to talk about the Lord, but I'm a small gathering type of person. I believe that is the way the Lord gifted me. I dislike doing this in a larger group. I also prefer a more organic in we're all sitting around talking about a topic and if the Lord is dealing with someone on a topic, they share. Sometimes it's tough to do a one-size-fits-all with a larger group of ladies. You might think this strange if you knew that I believe my spiritual gift is that of a pastor/teacher. Of course, I'm not talking about a traditional 'pastor'. I believe the Lord has gifted me to shepherd and teach (pass along what I know) to other women. Nothing formal. This usually takes place one on one for me with a lot of give and take. I will explain some of what I think the Bible says about spiritual gifts in another post. I'm too scattered right now from lack of sleep.

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